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[CMP v1] HOW-TO: setup (install) Secure Privacy

[CMP v1] Learn how to integrate Secure Privacy script across platforms including HTML, HubSpot, Weebly, Google Tag Manager, Wix, Shopify, Squarespace, WordPress, Joomla, Magento and Adobe DTM. Detaile
Dan Storbaek
Updated 11 months ago

Based on the structure of your website, we provide guidance for integrating the Secure Privacy script across various platforms. Please select the appropriate option below for detailed instructions. 

Regardless of the platform, ensure that the script is placed at the very beginning of your webpage, immediately following the `<head>` tag. Also, note that you will always find your script under Domain -> Installation. 


  1. Follow the instruction below to add the script to your HTML Pages.
  2. Open your index.html file or any HTML file you want to make compliant. 
  3. Paste the Secure Privacy script at the top of the head section.
  4. Publish your site.


To install Secure Privacy on HubSpot, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to your HubSpot website and open it in Edit mode
  2. Go to Settings > Advanced options
  3. Paste your Secure Privacy code to 'Additional code snippets
  4. Click on Publish to save your changes.

3. Weebly

Follow these steps to install Secure Privacy on Weebly.

  1. Scroll down the page and copy the code from the Your Script section.
  2. Log into your Weebly Admin Dashboard.
  3. From the top navigation bar, click Settings.
  4. On the left panel, click on SEO.
  5. Paste the Secure Privacy script.
  6. The Secure Privacy script (including the <script> tags) should go in the Header Code text area, ensuring you don't replace or remove any other code you already have.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Publish your site.

4Google Tag Manager

Implementing Secure Privacy in GTM

  1. Scroll down the page and copy the code from the Your Script section.
  2. In your GTM container, create a new tag by clicking Tags New Custom HTML Tag.
  3. In the HTML field, insert the script tag.
  4. Choose All pages as a trigger and apply a name to your tag at the top of the configuration page, e.g., Secure Privacy Script. Click Save to create the tag. This is what your tag configuration should look like (except for the value of the script source):

5. Wix. 

  1. Click here to go to your WIX dashboard.
  2. Click on Manage Website in the side menu.
  3. Go to the Tracking & Analytics section of Site Manager.
  4. Click + New Tool and select Custom from the drop-down menu.
  5. Paste your Secure Privacy installation code into the custom code.
  6. Select the relevant domain. (Note: This option will appear only if you have multiple domains.
  7. Enter the name of the custom code ("Secure Privacy," for example).
  8. Add Code to Pages: Select All pagesโ€”load code on each new page to add your code.
  9. Place Code in Select Head

6. Shopify. 

Note: Shopify does not allow external scripts in the checkout, so you can only use Secure Privacy on your Storefront and the Order Confirmation page.

  1. Log into your Shopify account.
  2. Click on Online Store.
  3. Select Themes.
  4. Click the Actions button on the top right and choose Edit code [HTML/CSS].
  5. Under layout, select a theme, then liquid.
  6. Scroll on the page until you find the following tag.

  7. Note: Some themes will use the tag, {/head}, [/header], or other variations of [/head]. These will work in the same way.
  8. Paste the Secure Privacy Script just before this tag.

7. Squarespace

Follow these steps to install Secure Privacy on Squarespace.

  1. Scroll down the page and copy the code from the Your Script section.
  2. Go to the Settings (cog icon) of your Squarespace account
  3. From the Settings menu, navigate to Code Injection.

8. WordPress. 

Login into your WordPress administration panel, locate and open Settings on the left sidebar.

Note: you need an administrator access level to modify your website Settings.

  1. Locate and open "Plugins" on the left sidebar -> then the Add new button and install any plugin that allows adding scripts to header of a website (like, this free Insert Headers and Footers plugin)
  2. Click on the Header and Footer link, and check if the Head and Footer tab is active.
  3. Inside the PAGE SECTION INJECTION/ON EVERY PAGE input field - paste your Secure Privacy code on top, right on the first line. This will ensure that Secure Privacy will block any other cookies and plugins to place cookies before the user gives explicit consent.

Note: Copy the installation script from your Secure Privacy account on the Installation page

Scroll down the page and click Save to apply the changes.

There you go! You have just installed Secure Privacy on your WordPress-powered website!

9. Joomla

Follow these steps to install Secure Privacy on Joomla.

  1. Log into the Joomla Administration panel.
  2. Click on the Template Manager link.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Locate the template your site is using, then click on its title.
  5. Click the Edit main page template link.
  6. Locate the section and insert your Secure Privacy script right below it.
  7. Note: Copy the installation script from your Secure Privacy account on the Installation page
  8. Save & Close button.
  9. Your Secure Privacy Tracking Code is now installed!

10. Magento

Follow these steps to install Secure Privacy on Magento.

  1. From the Admin menu, select System Configuration.
  2. In the panel on the left, select Design.
  3. Click to expand the HTML Head section.
  4. In the Miscellaneous Scripts text box, paste the Secure Privacy script.

Note: Copy the installation script from your Secure Privacy account on the Installation page

Click the Save Config button.

11. Adobe dynamic tag manager.

Follow these steps to install the Secure Privacy script:

  1. Get the Secure Privacy script from the Your Script section
  2. Paste it into Adobe DTM and delete the opening tags
  3. Save the rule
  4. Your Secure Privacy script is now installed
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