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[CMP v1] User management

[CMP v1] The article describes different User roles (access levels), how to add a team member, change the User role, add an administrator to the account or delete a user
Andrew Sidorkin
Updated 6 months ago

Note: the feature is only available under the Enterprise plan only, more information on current plans and billing options is on our Pricing page.

In this article:
- What are the different User roles (access levels)?
- How to add a team member to my team?
- How do I change the User role for my team member?
- How do I change the administrator of my domain?
- How do I delete a user?

What are the different User roles (access levels)?

  • Account owner - Account owners have full access to all domains' configuration, account details and billing data.

  • Account admin - Account admins have access to all the features except changing the billing and account details.

  • Domain admin - Full domain-wise access (the billing and account details are restricted).

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How to add a team member to my team?

  1. Login into your Secure Privacy account, select the “All domains” link in the top-bar, right to the Secure Privacy Logo.

  2. Locate and select the “Users” page on the left sidebar, you will be redirected to the list of currently active users on your account.

  3. Click the green “Add user” button to activate the corresponding modal window.

  4. Fill in the “User email” for your team member. A new Secure Privacy account will be created for the given email and it will be associated with your main email address. Additionally, a password reset link will be sent to this new account.

  5. Select an “Access” level (User role) for this user.

  6. Confirm changes made by clicking the “Save” button.

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How do I change the User role for my team member?

  1. Login into your Secure Privacy account, select the “All domains” link in the top-bar, right to the Secure Privacy Logo.

  2. Locate and select the “Users” page on the left sidebar, you will be redirected to the list of currently active users on your account.

  3. Click the “Edit” link under the “Role” column against the desired email address to activate the corresponding modal window.

  4. Use the “Access” dropdown to change the role for this user.

  5. (Optional) For domain administrators, you may also select the domains they should be configuring on your behalf.

  6. Confirm changes made by clicking the “Save” button.

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How do I change the administrator of my domain?

Note: Users with “Account owner” and “Account admin” roles have access and can configure all domains associated with the account in question. Therefore, the steps below are applicable to “Domain admin” only User roles.

  1. Login into your Secure Privacy account, select the “All domains” link in the top-bar, right to the Secure Privacy Logo.

  2. Locate and select the “Users” page on the left sidebar, you will be redirected to the list of currently active users on your account.

  3. Click the “Edit” link under the “Website access” column to activate the corresponding modal window.

  4. The “Add domain” button allows assigning your domain to this particular user using the drop-down (5).

  5. Select a domain to assign to this user using the dropdown menu.

  6. Confirm changes made by clicking the “Save” button.

  7. (Optional) Use the red cross against a domain name to remove domain administration access from this user.

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How do I delete a user?

Note: Users with “Account owner” and “Account admin” roles can not be deleted. You may “downgrade” their access level to “Domain admin” and then proceed with the removal process below.

  1. Login into your Secure Privacy account, select the “All domains” link in the top-bar, right to the Secure Privacy Logo.

  2. Locate and select the “Users” page on the left sidebar, you will be redirected to the list of currently active users on your account.

  3. Click the red cross icon against a user email to delete this user.

  4. Verify the action by selecting “OK” in the confirmation popup window.

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