Please find the privacy law you are interested in either by region or alphabetically.
By Region:
- Europe: EU GDPR, UK DPA, Switzerland FADP, Norway DPA
- North America:
- US State-Specific: All US state laws (full list is below)
- Canada: PIPEDA, Quebec Law 25
- South America: Argentina PLDP, Colombia DPL, Panama LSPDP, Brazil LGPD
- Asia:
- East Asia: Japan APPI, South Korea PIPA, China PIPL
- Southeast Asia: Vietnam PDPA, Singapore PDPA, Malaysia PDPA, Philippino DPA
- West Asia: Israel PPL, Saudi Arabia DPL, Dubai DIFC DPL, UAE PDPL, India DPDPA
- Africa & Middle East: Morocco DPL, Egypt DPL, Kenya DPA, South Africa POPIA, Oman PDPL
- Oceania: New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, Australia APP, Thailand PDPA
By Specific Law (alphabetical):
- Argentina PLDP
- Australia APP
- Belarus LPDP
- Brazil LGPD
- California CCPA/CPRA
- Canada PIPEDA
- China PIPL
- Colombia DPL
- Connecticut DPA (US)
- Colorado CPA (US)
- Delaware PDPA (US)
- Dubai DIFC DPL (UAE)
- Egypt DPL
- India DPDPA
- Indiana CDPA (US)
- Iowa DPA (US)
- Israel PPL
- Japan APPI
- Kentucky CDPA (US)
- Kenya DPA
- Malaysia PDPA
- Maryland ODPA (US)
- Minnesota CDPA (US)
- Montana CDPA (US)
- Morocco DPL
- Nebraska DPA (US)
- New Hampshire CDPA (US)
- New Jersey CDPB (US)
- New Zealand Privacy Act 2020
- North Macedonia ZZLP
- Norway DPA
- Oman PDPL
- Oregon CPA (US)
- Panama LSPDP
- Philippino DPA
- Quebec Law 25 (Canada)
- Russia FLDP
- Saudi Arabia DPL
- Serbia ZZPL
- Singapore PDPA
- South Africa POPIA
- South Korea PIPA
- Switzerland FADP
- Thailand PDPA
- Tennessee IPA (US)
- Texas DPSA (US)
- Turkey KVKK
- Utah CPA (US)
- Vermont DPA (US)
- Virginia CDPA (US)
- Vietnam PDPA
Data Privacy Compliance Made Easy: A Global Solution
Data privacy regulations around the world are becoming increasingly complex, with different rules in each region. This can make it difficult for businesses to comply.
Secure Privacy offers a simplified solution for managing data privacy compliance across the globe. Our comprehensive suite of tools covers over 55 data privacy laws and is constantly updated.
Here's what Secure Privacy provides:
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- Certified Google CMP: We are a Google-certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) to ensure transparent and standardized user consent, ensuring optimal ad performance while maintaining compliance with privacy laws.
- Customizable Privacy Policies: We generate legally compliant privacy policies that are specific to your location.
- Automated Website Scanning: Our tools help identify any potential data privacy issues on your website.
- Expert Support: A team of professionals can answer your questions about data privacy compliance.
By using Secure Privacy, businesses can ensure they follow data privacy laws worldwide, building trust with customers everywhere.
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