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Growth Plan Deprecation and Migration

As we transition into the new pricing tier at Secure Privacy, if you are on Growth plan, here's an important notice.
Aditya Kulkarni
Updated 1 month ago

This support article communicates an important update to our pricing plans that will impact the users in the Growth subscription.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our offerings and align them with the evolving needs of our customers, we have streamlined our pricing structure. Unfortunately, this means that the Growth plan will be deprecated and replaced with new tiers that better reflect the value and features we provide.

What this means for you:

  • No immediate changes to your service. You can continue using your Growth (Legacy) plan without any disruptions for the time being. We will provide the attention and support throughout, similar to how it has been so far.
  • Your current Growth plan will be renamed to Growth (Legacy). You will continue to have access to all the features and benefits associated with the Growth plan under this new name. However, we strongly encourage you to consider migrating to one of our new pricing tiers to take advantage of enhanced capabilities and improved value.

Why we are making this change:

Our goal is to offer a clear and concise pricing structure that aligns with the value we deliver. The new tiers have been carefully designed to provide a wider range of options, ensuring you can choose the plan that best suits your specific requirements and budget. By migrating to a new tier, you can unlock additional features, increased limits, and enhanced support.

Benefits of migrating to a new tier:

  • Access to the latest features and improvements: Our new tiers include a range of enhancements and new features that are not available on the Growth (Legacy) plan.
  • Increased limits and flexibility: You can choose a plan that offers higher usage limits and more flexibility to accommodate your growing needs.
  • Enhanced support and resources: Our new tiers provide access to additional support and resources to help you get the most out of our services.

Next steps:

We recommend that you review our new pricing tiers and compare them to your current Growth (Legacy) plan. We are confident that you will find a new tier that offers even greater value and aligns with your business goals.

Our support team is also available to answer any questions you may have and assist you with the transition.

We understand that change can be challenging, but we believe this update will ultimately benefit you by providing a more transparent and valuable pricing structure.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

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